
الأحد، 1 يونيو 2014

أحاديث للرسول صلى الله عليه وسلم مترجمه باللغه الانجليزيه

  • قال رسول الله صلي الله عليه و سلم:انما الاعمال بالنيات ,وانما لكل امرئ ما نوي (البخاري و مسلم)
    The prophet said :'Actions will be judged a ccording to the intentions (behind them) ,and everyone will be repid accor ding to wgat he intended '.
    (Bukhari ,Muslim
  •  عن عائشه -رضي الله عنها-قالت:كان كلام رسول الله -صلي الله عليه وسلم-كلاما فصلا،يفهمه كل من سمعه
    (ابو داود)
    A'Ishah said:the prophet spoke in a simple and clear way so that all those who heard him ,understood him ; (ABU DAWUD
  • عن انس بن مالك-رضي الله عنه-قال:خدمت النبي -صلي الله عليه و سلم-عشر سنين فما قال لي اف قط , و ما قال لشئ صنعته لم صنعته, و لا لشئ تركته لم تركته,و كان رسول الله-صلي الله وسلم عليه-من احسن الناس خلقا .(الترمذي)
    Anas ibn Malik said:"i was in the prophet's service for ten years, and he never once said ''uff(i.e.shame)! to me .when Idid something (wrong) he never asked me,''why did you do that?'' when I did not do something (that I should have done) he never asked me, ''why did you not do that?'' The Messenger of Allah had the best disposition of all people'.( Tirmidhi

  • عن عائشه -رضي الله عنها-قالت:ما خير رسول الله- صلي الله عليه وسلم-بين امرين قط,الا اختار ايسرها الا ان
    يكون فيه اثم,فان كان اثما كان ابعد الناس منه(البخاري و مسلم)
    A'ishah related:'Whenever the prophet was given a choice (between two things) he chose whatever was easier -unless it was sinful, in which case
    he was more careful than anyone to avoid it'.(Bukhari,Musli
  • ليس منا من لم يوقر كبيرنا و يرحم صغيرنا

    He belongs not to us (i.e. not a true Muslim) who neither respects the elder nor shows sympathy for the younger.
  • عندما انذعر منه (صلى الله عليه وسلم) أحد الأعراب, قال: " هون عليك إنما أنا ابن امرأة من قريش كانت تأكل القديد"

    When one of the Bedouin people felt afraid of the Prophet- peace be upon him, the Prophet told him: "Fear nothing! I am but a son of an ordinary woman from Quraish (the name of his tribe), who was eating cured meat"

     عندما سأله أحد الأشخاص : من أحق الناس بصحبتي " قال أمك , قال ثم من : قال أمك , قال ثم من : قال أمك, قال ثم من : قال أبوك"

    A man asked the Prophet (Peace be upon him): Who is more worthy of my good company? He (Peace be upon him) answered: "Your mother". The man asked: Who is then? He reiterated: "Your mother". The man asked: Who is then? He reiterated: "Your mother". The man asked: Who is then? He said: "Your father".

  • كفى بالمرء كذباً, أن يحدث بما سمع

    It is manifest lying when one tells whatever he hears.

    ليس منا من بات و جاره جائع

    He belongs not to us (i.e. not a true Muslim) who sleeps sated while his neighbor is hungry.

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